The exclusive list of the finest restaurants in Latin and Central America, sponsored by San Pellegrino and Acqua Panna has been released also this year! The award ceremony took place in several Latin America and Central America countries in the past years, including Peru, Mexico and Colombia. This year was the turn of Argentina, in…
Category: Food Events

All you need to know to have the Perfect Peruvian "Lonche"
“Lonche” or “Lonchecito” as Peruvians commonly call it, is a special and timeless tradition of the Peruvian culinary culture. “Lonche” is actually a tradition that comes from the colonial era that Peru lived, it is very similar to the English Teatime or the Spanish “merienda”. It is a sort of tea-time or coffee break usually…

Peruvian Basic Cooking Class: What to Expect!
Among the various culinary activities we offer there is a hands-on cooking class where you have the chance to learn the basics of Peruvian traditional dishes, such as the classic “ceviche” and the yummy “lomo saltado”. As for travellers opinion, this is one of the best classes especially if you happen to be in Peru…

Best Places for Ice-Cream Lovers in Lima
Summertime heat is very heavy in Lima at the moment and it is that time of the year, where people try to refresh themselves with iced beverages, lots of fresh fruits and ice-cream! Summertime is lovely, there is sun in Lima, which is quite unusual for the other months of the year and Limeños seem…

The Must Have Dishes for a Traditional Peruvian Christmas Dinner
Christmas is coming guys and it is time to make our grocery list! We are all very busy adn the grocery stores will be so crowded in a couple of days, that you will be scare to death to get in! So just be prepare and make your grocery shop in advance! That’s my suggestion.…