“Lonche” or “Lonchecito” as Peruvians commonly call it, is a special and timeless tradition of the Peruvian culinary culture. “Lonche” is actually a tradition that comes from the colonial era that Peru lived, it is very similar to the English Teatime or the Spanish “merienda”. It is a sort of tea-time or coffee break usually…
Tag: Tips for food
Traditional "Alfajores" Recipe
Peruvian gastronomy is not only famous for salty dishes, but there is a long tradition of delicious desserts and sweets. We have already talked about “Suspiro a la Limeña” here (http://taste-of-peru.com/a-traditional-peruvian-dessert-suspiro-a-la-limena/), which is a traditional dessert from Lima region and in this article we want to share the recipe for another classic sweet: “Alfajor”. “Alfajores” are very popular throughout Latin America countries,…
Best Places for Ice-Cream Lovers in Lima
Summertime heat is very heavy in Lima at the moment and it is that time of the year, where people try to refresh themselves with iced beverages, lots of fresh fruits and ice-cream! Summertime is lovely, there is sun in Lima, which is quite unusual for the other months of the year and Limeños seem…