Putting Peruvian Cuisine on the World Map

Putting Peruvian Cuisine on the World Map

Peru has long and deeply rooted culinary traditions, and Peruvian chefs have always loved the idea of exporting Peruvian “sazon” abroad (“sazon” means “taste” inEnglish). In the last decade many Peruvian Chefs, following Chef Gaston Acurio’s lesson, decided to put Peruvian cuisine on the world map and open several restaurants worldwide. This new generation of…

Rocoto Relleno: a Dish From The Tradition

Rocoto Relleno: a Dish From The Tradition

Arequipa, a town in the southern area of Peru, has strong culinary traditions. The town is famous for its “picanterías”, which are rustic taberns located around the characteristic districts of the town. Serves. “Picanterias” serves traditional dishes such as “pastel de choclo”, “pepian”, “chupe de mariscos”, Peruvian corn with local cheese and the famous “rocoto…

Peruvian Restaurants in The 2017 World’s 50 Best Restaurants List

Peruvian Restaurants in The 2017 World’s 50 Best Restaurants List

As you know the culinary scene in Peru is extremely vibrant and every month there are always very interesting new culinary openings!  In Lima and Cusco we have some excellent restaurants that I always recommend to our travelers and some of them are in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list announced in Melbourne, Australia early…